Chiropractic treatment for low back pain.

Luis Ferreras

Chiropractic treatment for lumbar hernia.

Alfonso Garrido

Carmen treated her back pain at Biovertix Chiropractic.

Carmen M.

Dolores made it back to her normal life after 4 months of Chiropractic treatment without any kind of medication.

Dolores G.

Chiropractic helped Feli solve her stomach issues.

Feli C.

Chiropractic treatment for a sciatic nerve impingement.

Francesc Alborch

Isabel visited Dr. Olaru to get the propper treatment for her knees and back.

Isabel Sancho

Chiropractic treatment for this father’s back and his son’s wellbeing.

Javi L.

Jordi visited Dr. Olaru to solve his strong back pain.

Jordi Domenjo

Jose Luis tells us how Chiropractic helped him with his slipped disk.

Jose Luis Gallego