Stefan speaks about the Chiropractic treatment he followed to treat his sports injuries.

Stefan (Spanish)

Chiropractic treatment for a slipped disc.

Ines M.

Albert tells us his experiencie about the chiropractic treatment he has been receiving since the age of 5.

Albert B.

Testimonial about the treatment of headaches, contractures, asthma for the whole family at Biovertix Chiropractic.

Susana P & Family

Dr. Olaru’s Conference. February 2012.

Chiropractic treatment in a patient with back pain.


Chiropractic treatment in a patient with stomach pain.


Testimonial of Vanessa who received Chiropractic treatment at Biovertix for hiatus hernia.


Testimonial of Griselda who received Chiropractic treatment at Biovertix for Lung Problems.
